the pavs: New zealand game awards

Client: NZ Games Festival | Awards livestream: Latitude Creative | Motion Graphics implementation: Fish & Swallow | Trophy build: Skyon NZ
Tools: InDesign, Illustrator, Canva, Art Direction
Date: 2019 - 2021

Categories: Marketing Art, Brand

A celebration of New Zealand and Australian gaming excellence, The Pavs: NZ Game Awards needed a brand that felt premium while still representing the slightly cheeky spirit of the NZ Games Industry.

  • Concepted & developed logo and custom branded award laurel graphics.

  • Created simple brand guidelines to support consistent brand representation without overwhelming volunteers.

  • Art directed motion graphic transitions for award livestream.

  • Designed a custom, premium-feeling-yet-cost-effective trophy for bulk production, taking production strain off of volunteers who had previously hand-made trophies.

  • Designed social media promotional graphics & created user-friendly Canva templates for Community Manager to use to create their own, on brand assets. Used data-merging to bulk produce templated announcement graphics quickly.

  • Created supporting materials for in-person events like step & repeat sponsor backdrops and custom photobooth print-outs template.


Dinosaur Polo Club Brand Work


Personal Illustration