Dinosaur Polo Club Brand Work

Client: Dinosaur Polo Club | Dinosaur in logo & brand assets: Supplied from third party designers
Tools: Illustrator, InDesign
Date: 2018 for wordmark, 2021 for brand guidelines

Categories: Brand

I’ve had the pleasure of being able to provide brand work to Dinosaur Polo Club on two separate occasions.

  • Developed a revised wordmark as the initial logotype redesign felt too aggressive for the self-described “dorky-clever-professional-reliable-fun” studio. (For more on this kind of work, see my 2018 Play by Play talk Type Talks: What Your Game’s Brand Is Saying For You.)

  • In 2021, completed a brand audit including interviewing key team members and reviewing existing collateral.

  • Used this research to write & design a brand guide document to enable consistency & correct usage from third party designers going forward.


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