te hekenga

Employer: ARA Journeys | Reference Art Direction: Supplied by cultural partner from third party designer
Tools: Photoshop, Procreate, Illustrator, Miro, Unity, Shadergraph, Mapbox Studio, Lightship, C#, Sourcetree
Release Date: October 2022

Categories: UI, Illustration, Brand, Tech Art

This project needed to appeal to a primary school aged audience and house AR & audio story content geolocated at selected schools and cultural sites.

  • With a tight production schedule, I completed over 20 illustrations, designed and implemented a full UI reskin, and created an AR portal experience within 6 weeks.

  • The supplied reference art direction was geared to an adult audience - created a tailored version to appeal to kids that still felt cohesive with the exhibition.

  • Designed & implemented the UI (including coding a few of the UI flows).

  • Created a custom Mapbox style to achieve a hand drawn, kid friendly aesthetic.

  • Illustrated the collectable crafting materials to be fun to look at and colourblind-friendly on both light & dark backgrounds.

  • Built custom shader for UI graphic overlays in Shadergraph, then edited the generated code to make it compatible with Unity 2021. Any illustration that appears in multiple aspect ratios/graphic treatments is generated from a square sprite via the material.

  • Using some clever strategy to repurpose & recolour assets for efficiency while under a tight timeframe, created an additional 15 story illustrations in approximately two weeks.


Tuwhiri: Stories of the Manukau Harbour AR


Mini Motorways Launch Collateral