tuwhiri: stories of the manukau harbour AR experience

Employer: ARA Journeys | Base Illustrations: Phil James
Tools: Unity, Shadergraph, Photoshop, Procreate, Lightship, C#
Release Date: June 2022

Categories: Tech Art, Animation, Illustration

ARA Journeys wanted to create an Augmented Reality chapter based on the existing story trailer.

  • Learned how to use and write custom code for Lightship ARDK.

  • Storyboarded the AR experience based on existing audio narration.

  • Dissected existing flat painting into separate components suitable for real-time spatial animation, and animated them using Unity’s Animation tools and Shadergraph.

  • Painted additional textures where suitable textures could not be extracted from base imagery.

  • Using Lightship example code as a base, programmed the entire AR experience and the in-game UI flow to access it.


Tuwhiri: Stories of Port Waikato


Te Hekenga