
Employer: ARA Journeys | Photography: Stock images | Story Illustration: Phil James
Tools: After Effects, Photoshop, Figma, Illustrator, Miro, Unity, Shadergraph, Mapbox Studio, Sourcetree
Release Date: December 2021

Categories: Marketing Art, Brand, Animation, UI, Illustration, Tech Art

Tuwhiri is a geolocation game that puts indigenous stories of place into the places they came from.

  • Researched & crafted brand to stand out against competitors in the 6 most relevant App Store and Google Play search categories.

  • Wrote, storyboarded, and animated the above promotional trailer.

  • Sourced imagery for and composited the lifestyle marketing imagery.

  • Copywrote and created screenshots for Shopfront pages.

  • Designed & implemented the UI. Used Google Material design system to make the UI feel familiar to non-tech-savvy player base, in an organic painted style to tie into the real world scenery & stories of the game.

  • Illustrated the collectable crafting materials to be fun to look at and colourblind-friendly on both light & dark backgrounds.

  • Built a custom Mapbox style to give a painted effect (interesting technical challenge when the inputs had to be vector, not raster!).

  • Built custom shaders for UI graphic overlays & loading bar.


Tuwhiri: Stories of Port Waikato